Independent Healthcare and Patient Advocates
and Professional Care Managers

Helping you maximize your business success.

Find Help in Books for
Professional Advocates and Care Managers

I’ve written four books to support your decision making about advocacy as a career, then to help you start and grow and maximize the success of your private practice:

  • So You Want to Be a Patient Advocate? Choosing a Career in Health or Patient Advocacy
  • The Start and Grow Your Own Practice Handbook
  • The Health Advocate’s Basic Marketing Handbook
  • The Health Advocate’s Advanced Marketing Handbook
Read more about each of these books, and find discounts too(!) at DiagKNOWsis Media, the publisher.

Help New Clients Find You.
Let's Review Your Website!

Concerned that your website isn’t bringing in new clients? Maybe it’s not being found by search engines? Or attracting the right kinds of clients for you? Or doesn’t focus on the right information? Or may not be secure? I can help.

I’ve been building marketing websites since 1995 (yes, really!) I’ve literally written the book on how best to reach patient- clients, and professionals who need to know how to recommend and hire independent advocates and care managers. 

Learn more about this website review process and how you and your site can benefit.

Let's Talk! Coaching for You

Need personal assistance with client acquisition, marketing, or business management, and want to talk directly to the human being who can help you figure it out?

I have extensive experience with starting and growing successful advocacy practices. That has been my number one mission for almost 20 years, and now I would enjoy helping you, too.

Learn more about the support I can provide to help you start and grow your practice, and find the success you seek.

Sign up for my
Smart Practice! Newsletter

Help more. Make more.

Monthly (or maybe more often!) I’ll send you an actionable, useful marketing or client acquisition tip, or business advice, or whatever can help you maximize your success, along with the resources you need to make it happen. It’s all about a good practice!

Created exclusively for advocates and care managers, Smart Practice! is a great resource for your practice!

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Help more. Make more.

Trisha Torrey
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