Trisha Torrey,
Every Patient’s Advocate
Every Advocate’s Advocate
Trisha Torrey
- A teacher for 50+ years.
- A marketer and business consultant
for 40+ years. - An expert in patient empowerment and health and patient advocacy for 20 years.
- A sharer of expertise in Aging Independently since 2017
- Yes, she’s a Boomer! …holding her own in a Gen X, Gen Z, and
Millennial world. 🙂
Since 2005, I have written, created, built, or been involved in the following:
Book Author:
My books are published through DiagKNOWsis Media
- You Bet Your Life! The 10 Mistakes Every Patient Makes (How to Fix Them to Get the Health Care You Deserve) (2013 from DiagKNOWsis Media)
- You Bet Your Life! The Top 10 Reasons You Need a Professional Patient Advocate by Your Side (2015 from DiagKNOWsis Media)
- So You Want to Be a Patient Advocate? Choosing a Career in Health or Patient Advocacy (3rd Edition – 2022 from DiagKNOWsis Media)
- The Health Advocate’s Start and Grow Your Own Practice Handbook
(4th Edition – 2023 from DiagKNOWsis Media) - The Health Advocate’s Basic Marketing Handbook
(2nd Edition – 2014 from DiagKNOWsis Media) - The Health Advocate’s Advanced Marketing Handbook
(2014 from DiagKNOWsis Media)
Founder and Director:
- (New!) AgeSmart! 411
AgeSmart! 411 is Your Guide to Aging Independently. Currently under construction, preparing to serve the needs of those Seniors who wish to maintain independence and quality of life for as long as possible. Serving Seniors, their loved ones and caregivers, plus the businesses and professionals who serve them all. Expected launch: early 2025
The AdvoConnection Directory (as of 2023, find AdvoConnection at Umbra Health Advocacy) matches patients and caregivers to patient advocates and navigators who can assist them with medical system navigation, health insurance claims, medical billing issues, family health mediation and more.
- The Alliance of Professional Health Advocates
The Alliance membership site provides business support (legal, insurance, marketing and more) to private health advocates is the engine behind the advocate listings in the AdvoConnection Directory. - PracticeUP! Online
(e-learning and bootcamps for health and patient advocates and care managers)
Web Host, Creator, Developer (current):
- Blog for Seniors, their loved ones and caregivers on topics about aging independently while extending their quality of life.
- Smart Practice blog (for advocates and care managers)
- Umbra Health (for patients and caregivers, formerly
- APHA Blog (for advocates)
- Trisha’ TIPs (Tactics for Improved Practice Success at PracticeUP! Online)
Contributing Author:
- (PBS online)
- Bottom Line Health
Former Faculty: Physician Community – “Ask a Patient” Expert
Board Member:
- Patient Advocate Certification Board (2012 to 2018, Board member and secretary. Developed first certification for patient and health care advocates.)
- Journal of Participatory Medicine (editorial reviewer)
- ICOPA – The International Conference on Patient Advocacy (part of creation team for this great conference)
- Expert in Patient Empowerment (2007 to 2014. Now called )
In June 2017, Trisha appeared on the Today Show to discuss her misdiagnosis and how patients can help confirm their doctor’s verdicts. - Interviewed and quoted by New York Times, NBC (Today Show), CNN, MSNBC, Wall Street Journal, US News and World Report, Forbes, O Magazine, Health Magazine, NPR, USA Today, Bottom Line Publications, Angie’s List and others.
News – Expertise Citations: can be found here
Newspaper Columnist:
- Syracuse Post Standard (2006-2012)
- Knoxville News Sentinel (2008-2009)
Radio Talk Show Host: HealthLink on Air (WSYR, Clear Channel Radio, 2006 – 2010)
Contributor: Our Bodies, Ourselves, 40th Anniversary Edition (2011) Contributed to chapters on navigating the healthcare system, and finding credible health information online.
Medical Journal Mentions:
- Perspectives in Clinical Research (January 2011) Patient advocacy groups: Need and opportunity in India (Kunal Shah and Sunil Garg)
- Journal of Clinical Oncology (April 2011) Centralized Review Offers Promise for the Clinician, the Pathologist, and the Patient With Newly Diagnosed Lymphoma (Elaine S. Jaffe, MD)
- Journal of Patient Safety (August 2011) The Partnership With Patients: A Call to Action for Leaders (Charles R. Denham, MD)
Book Mentions:
- Nonsense: The Power of Not Knowing, by Jamie Holmes
- Fatal Care: Survive in the US Health System by Sanjaya Kumar, MD
- The Empowered Patient by Elizabeth Cohen, CNN Senior Medical Correspondent
- Think for Yourself (Restoring Common Sense in an Age of Experts and Artificial Intelligence) by Dr. Vikram Mansharamani
Organizations / Memberships:
- ICOPA: The International Conference on Patient Advocacy (developer)
- The Alliance of Professional Health Advocates
- Disruptive Women in Healthcare
- National Patient Advocate Foundation
- Patient Advocate Certification Board (retired)
- PULSE America (Persons United Limiting Substandards and Errors – patient safety organization.)
- CAPS: Consumers Advancing Patient Safety
- Society of Participatory Medicine (retired)
Before 2005:
Prior to beginning her patient empowerment and advocacy work, Trisha was owner of IntegriMark Communications, LLC (Syracuse, NY), a marketing consultancy that focused on moving small businesses to the Web.
Trisha began her marketing career in 1985 after an eight year classroom teaching career.
Trisha holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Bucknell University (Pennsylvania) and a Master of Science degree from Elmira College (New York), both in education.
Her misdiagnosis, the impetus for her health and patient advocacy work, draws curiosity from her readers and listeners. It is described in depth here.
(updated January 2025)