An Effective USP Attracts New Clients to Your Practice

puzzle pieces represent putting together a good USP for advocates

Every successful business has a relevant USP at the core of its marketing. “USP” is an acronym that’s thrown around frequently by marketers because it’s integral to their work.

But there’s no sense in throwing one around unless it’s accurately reflective of your work and helps potential clients understand why they should hire you. So let’s look at creating a good USP for you.

What does USP stand for?

It’s a description of the work you do; your Unique Selling Proposition. Let’s break that down, then figure out how to develop one that’s useful to you.

  • Unique: meaning, what services do you provide, or how do you provide your services that is UNIQUE to your practice, and differentiates your practice from others? What stands out that a client would consider to be crucial to the success of your work for them? This is the distinction that will make someone who finds your website, or your brochure, or any other marketing piece you’ve created, and because of your unique positioning, they choose to contact YOU.
  • Selling: Of course, the idea of selling something to a potential client makes too many advocates or care managers cringe! They hate the thought of “selling” anything! (I get it. I do too.) However, when it’s time to move from conversation to contract, that’s exactly what you’re doing – you are selling your services. If it makes you more comfortable to change your interpretation of USP, to Unique Services Proposition, then go right ahead. That doesn’t change its purpose or the reasons it’s important.
  • Proposition: In this context, the word “proposition” just means a suggested plan of action.

Here are a couple of examples that may sound familiar:

“We guarantee fresh hot pizza, delivered in 30 minutes or less, or it’s free!” What does that statement tell you? It tells you that – uniquely – you can get good pizza, and fast, or you won’t have to pay for it. Dominos has used this USP for years. What is unique is the “free” if it doesn’t arrive on time. No other pizza shops make that claim.

Here’s another one:

“15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance” We all recognize this USP from Geico which tells us that – uniquely – Geico is considered to be less expensive than other car insurances and you can figure out quickly whether that’s true for you. They address your time AND your money.

Get the idea?

How to Develop Your Own USP

First, make a list of what you do differently from other advocates in your space. Your space might include your geographical location, and it might include your niche (examples: medical billing, cancer advocacy, or eldercare.) What is unique about the service you provide? Remember, there are dozens more pizza shops and car insurance companies. In both our examples above, those companies chose to focus on time and money. That won’t be the right choice for you, but – what will?

Next, check out your competitors’ USPs (if they have one!) When you review their websites, can you tell what they say about themselves that is unique to their practices and therefore, of interest to prospective clients?

Finally – what I consider to be THE most important aspect of developing an effective USP: formulate your USP from your prospective clients’ points of view. Consider these two statements:

  • I can help you navigate your cancer treatment.
  • I can hold your hand through treatment, from helping you ask the right questions, to organizing your appointments, to celebrating when your treatment is complete.

Which one do you think will be more enticing to a prospective client? Of course, the second one, because you’ve touched on the aspects that causes them FUDGE (fear, uncertainty, doubt, guilt, or exhaustion.) You’re telling them that you can bring them peace-of-mind. Also of note: there is one “I” and there are four “you” statements. Notice that your USP is focused on their needs, even more so than your capabilities.

Action Step

Work on a few USP statements that help a prospective client best understand why YOU are the advocate they should hire to help them. Be sure there are more “you” statements than “I” statements. When you’ve honed one or two USPs, run them by friends and family to see which one they think best tells the story of your work; the one they think resonates and best reflects your USP. Now – begin using it in all your marketing and prospective client discussions.

Want some feedback on your USP attempts?

Post your USP in the comments below and I’ll comment (and others might, too!)

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100% of this post was written by me, a human being. When there is AI (Artificial Intelligence) generated content, it will always be disclosed.

Trisha Torrey
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