A Happy Mother’s Day to all you advocate and care manager moms out there!
As I think about Mother’s Day, I think of celebrations with my mother, yes. And I think about celebrations with my daughters, too…
But then I begin to think about all those “celebrations” that take place for mothers who are struggling with their medical conditions. How do we honor them when what they would truly appreciate is assistance instead of honor?
That brings me to this post.

Right now – put this idea on your calendar for next year, sometime in April, to give yourself enough time to plan!
First – understand that “struggling” can apply in many ways to a mother. She may be the mother of a child who is having medical difficulties. She may be the caregiver for a spouse. She may have medical challenges herself. Or she may be the adult child of an elderly parent, dealing with aging issues, some of which are medical.
Now, make a list of each of the mothers you work with, or wish to work with (or – OK – this would be a great Father’s Day idea, too!)… along with a brief listing of the challenges they are having, and some of the ways you can help them, too.
Now, during the next couple of weeks, reach out to them, individually. Wish them a Happy Mother’s Day (or Father’s Day). Ask how they are doing (empathy), and then ask if there are any ways you can help them. If you can, provide some examples of the ways you could improve their lives, ease their burdens. Then make sure your contact information is very quickly findable.
Yes, it will take you some time…. but oh! It can yield so much trust and increased probability of new work!

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100% of this post was written by me, a human being. When there is AI (Artificial Intelligence) generated content, it will always be disclosed.