How to Choose the Right Mentor or Coach for Your Professional Practice

coaching image - advocates and care managers coaching services

When you’re ready to choose a coach or mentor for your practice, there are some specific attributes you’ll want to look for to be sure the person you choose is capable of helping you. Review these carefully, edit them at will, then begin assessing possibilities based on your determinations.

First: Make sure you know what you hope to accomplish by hiring a coach. Be as specific as possible – the more specific, the easier it will be to hire the right person, then know if you’ve succeeded.

All remaining questions will help you find the person who will help you with those goals.

Second: From the following list, plus any other attributes you can think of, choose those attributes you think will be important for helping you meet your goals:

  • Does the person have experience in your area of care management or advocacy?
  • Does the person have a successful track record in their practice?
  • How long have they been practicing?
  • Do they have references they’ll let you connect with?
  • How much do they charge? (And is it worth that cost to you? It may seem expensive, but chances are that their advice will benefit you over and over again!)
  • Do you get along well? You don’t have to enjoy each other’s company, but it helps. At the very least, you’ll need mutual respect.
Action Step!

Make a list of those people you think are possibilities to be your coach or mentor, then begin contacting them to assess them against those attributes you determined are important to you. You’ll have prepared the information you need to answer their questions by assessing your requirements. See: How Can Coaching or Mentoring Help Your Practice?

The answer will become obvious as you develop a comfort level and an eagerness to work with one or more of your possibilities.

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100% of this post was written by me, a human being. When there is AI (Artificial Intelligence) generated content, it will always be disclosed.

Trisha Torrey
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