Trisha’s Misdiagnosis Story

Not a week goes by that someone doesn’t ask me about the event that changed my life, and started my advocacy work. So here’s the expanded version, probably much more than you wanted to know!

In late June 2004, I found a golf-ball sized lump on my torso. It didn’t hurt — it was just there.

So I contacted my family doctor, went to see him that day, and because he had no idea what it was, he sent me to a surgeon who removed it that afternoon. “We’ll let you know when we hear back from the lab,” was the surgeon’s departing comment as I pulled my shirt back on and got ready to go home.

A week later — no word — so I contacted the surgeon’s office and was told they didn’t have the results back yet. The 4th of July holiday had caused the delay …. so I waited.

Another week later, the surgeon finally called me with my lab results. “You have a very rare cancer — a lymphoma — called Subcutaneous Panniculitis-like T-Cell Lymphoma,” he told me.

Then he dropped a second bomb. I was told that the reason the lab results took so long was because the outcome was so rare, that a second lab had been called for a second opinion. “Two labs have independently confirmed these results,” I was told. “We’ll make an oncology appointment for you as soon as possible.”

“As soon as possible” took almost three weeks. I was so scared! In the meantime, as we all do, I combed the internet for information about Subcutaneous Panniculitis-like T-Cell Lymphoma (SPTCL.) It was hard to find anything at all because, as the surgeon had told me, it was very rare.

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What I did learn was that everyone died. And died fast. (*see update below) The longest anyone with SPTCL seemed to live was a couple of years, regardless of whether they received any treatment. And here I was with that disease — and scared to death.

When I finally saw the oncologist, he was very discouraging. Dr. H, I’ll call him, sent me for blood work and a CT scan, both of which came back negative for any abnormalities. No sign of lymphoma. And I had no symptoms to speak of — at least in my estimation. OK, so I had night sweats and hot flashes, but hey! I was a 52 year old woman! Don’t we all? But Dr. H insisted that those were symptoms of lymphoma and I needed to think about chemotherapy — and soon.

Without chemo, he told me, I would be dead before Christmas.

I asked about the possibility that the lab results were wrong. No — not a chance. Two labs had independently confirmed the results, I was told, and the pressure began to mount to begin chemotherapy.

Besides my family and a few close friends, I didn’t share the news with anyone else. My business was already suffering — being self-employed and having lousy health insurance meant that my diagnosis had now become expensive, too. I was spending way too much time researching and fretting and paying for doctor visits and tests that were only marginally covered by my insurance. Life, what was left of it, was going down the tubes, fast.

By then it was August, and I had a decision to make. Chemo? or no chemo? There were still too many question marks. During my visit to Dr. H, I told him I was trying to find an elusive second opinion doctor. His reply to me makes me shudder to this day, “What you have is so rare, no one will know anymore about it than I do!”

If anything compelled me to begin digging deeper, that was it. Now I was “sick” AND angry!

A few days later, I had dinner with some business friends, none of whom knew anything about my diagnosis. A few glasses of wine loosened my lips — I shared my diagnosis with them and of course, they were floored. But one friend, Barb, was more than floored. She contacted an oncologist friend of hers and called me the next day to tell me her friend, Dr. Jeffrey Kirchner, was currently treating someone with SPTCL and would see me if I wanted to make an appointment!

That small tidbit of good news lit a fire under me. I made an appointment with Dr. K to see him a week later, then contacted Dr. H, the oncologist, for copies of my records to take with me. Records in hand, I began to google every word I didn’t understand to see if I could learn more.

If I had to pinpoint an exact moment when my patient empowerment mission began, that moment would be it.

The lab results were NOT as advertised. In fact, neither diagnosis was for SPTCL, exactly. One of them said “most suspicious for,” and the other said, “most consistent with.” Neither one of them was sure! And yet another clue to this mysterious malady which was so far unsupported, was found.

Further, the second lab report stated that the lump biopsy was being sent for still another test called “clonality” — yet no results of that test had been included in the records faxed to me. Hmmm…. what was clonality, and where were those results? I contacted the oncologist’s office and lo and behold — they didn’t know where that test result was. So, while they scrambled to find it, I looked up the word “clonality.”

Clonality, it turns out, describes whether cells are cloning themselves — multiplying. And their tendency to do so makes all the difference in a cancer diagnosis. Benign cells don’t usually multiply — cancerous cells do.

They finally produced a copy of the clonality results — And my cells weren’t cloning themselves.

As I waited to see Dr. Kirchner, I began deciphering the lab results. I looked up various stains (remember gentian violet from high school biology?) and results, and greek letters and medical terms. In tandem with the clonality results, it became very clear to me that I did not have cancer, no matter what those labs and oncologists thought.

By the time I saw Dr. Kirchner, I was empowered, and fired up. I was quite sure of my results, and shared with him everything I had. He examined me, and pulled a few books off his shelves, and helped me learn even more. From learning that fewer than 100 cases of SPTCL had ever been diagnosed in history, to being told that even if I did have SPTCL, it would be better treated with radiation than chemo, I was feeling even better by the minute.

Then Dr. Kirchner recommended my biopsy could be sent to a specialist, Dr. Elaine Jaffe, a hematopathologist at the National Institutes of Health (part of the US government) for review. 

Three weeks later, in late September, I was given the confirmation that, in fact, I had no cancer.

There has never been a corrected diagnosis. To this day, I do not know what that lump was or where it came from.*

Relief? Certainly. But my first reaction was more like anger. At the end, I accused Dr. H of insisting I begin chemo because it was the only way he could make money from me. I stand by my accusation. I also fault him for never following up on the clonality test which was so pivotal in getting the right diagnosis. And the labs — did they not realize that they were, in effect, sentencing me to death?

Afterall, had I undergone chemo, and survived, they would have told me I had been cured of a disease I never had. And just as frightening, I found cases online of people who had been diagnosed and-chemo treated for SPTCL who had died during the treatment — and autopsies had shown they never had SPTCL to begin with. Lawsuits had been won.

Lest you think I harbor only ill-will, I do appreciate the doctors who did what they should do. My family doctor, the surgeon, Dr. Jaffe from the NIH, and most especially Dr. Kirchner who was willing to partner with me — they were very helpful.

To this day, I don’t believe those doctors who were involved in the misdiagnosis aspects of my treatment understand the long-term ramifications of this kind of misdiagnosis. Being told you will die, when you won’t, is cruel. I suffered, and so did my loved ones. For many years, I suffered from post-traumatic stress when I saw certain movies, or read or watched something related to someone who had died from cancer, especially around Christmas. 

In the end, one of the lab pathologists told me that he was taught in med school that he should expect there would be errors, and that he would rather err on the side of making sure someone got treatment they didn’t need, rather than not getting life-saving treatment. Ok. I’ll buy that. But it still doesn’t make it better.

I’m a spiritual person. I believe everything happens for a reason. And so I continue advocating for others — an outcome from a horrible experience that can result in good for others. I write, speak, and look for ways patients, their caregivers, advocates and providers can collaborate to make the system work more successfully for all.

I also look at life’s difficulties as huge opportunities.  Read about Proactive Survivorship and why I believe it’s the sixth stage of grief.

I continue doing my best to turn those misdiagnosis lemons into empowerment lemonade. Granted, my anger still creeps into my work on occasion.

As it turns out, that misdiagnosis was the worst thing that ever happened to me – and now it turns out it was the best thing, too. The real blessing is that I now know why I was put on this earth. A pastor friend of mine calls it “Trisha’s Calling.”

In any case, I hope you benefit from my work. You can learn more about some of the ways that might happen.

*Update: In fact, I never received a diagnosis. To this day, almost 20 years later, I have still never been given a name for those strange lumps they removed from my body. And as you can see. No, I’m still not dead. They were “dead wrong!”

16 thoughts on “Trisha’s Misdiagnosis Story”

  1. Absolutely amazing story! Thank goodness you do not have cancer.

    I am in shock too though by how they tried to convince you it was cancer and was pushing for chemotherapy! Very frightening indeed. Ever thought of having a lawyer take a bite out of them for that?

    I am so glad to have someone like you out there fighting for patients who may face the say dilema.

  2. I am so sorry to say, that as a Family Doctor of 17 years(just quit 3 months ago) your story is not really amazing or startling. I am ashamed to say it is actally somewhat common.
    I did my best to be accurate, careful, thoughtful, and considerate. I’m sure I fell short at times.
    I did my best to encourage that in my colleagues. They fell short too.

    I have come to believe there is a force behind this mess of a “health care” system.( I call it the Medical-Industrial Complex). And I believe it reflects the seamier side of the American character. Greed, self interest, cynicsm. I wish the medical community(of which I still feel a part, barely)had some moral outrage at the direction we seem to be headed. But their focus is too near.
    Best wishes.

  3. your story have bring back memories of my experiences with doctors. before i was diagnosed with lupus, i got high fever, rash, cough, throat problems, joint pains etc. I went to four different doctors. At the time I have fever, throat problem and joint pains 1st doctor diagnosed it with flu and gout athritis. After a few weeks, i did not get better. I went to another one. This time I have a bad cough that the doctor ordered XRAY on me. And based on the XRAY result told me that I have pneumonia. The doctor gave me antibiotics and many meds. Until it came to a point that I lose half of my weight and still sick and got rushed to the hospital. Fortunately (or unfortunately) my malar rash appeared. Which gave the doctor in the hospital a clue on what they are dealing. But the diagnosis came after a week. Although, they have known my sickness, they have assigned a nepro to check on me. She was no big help to me. All she did was to increase and decrease my prednisone and did not do any of the treatment i have read on the internet. It came to a point that she declared me as prednisone dependent for life and told me to undergo kidney biopsy. Because of that I went to search for other doctor. Which is painful on my part because some doctor have told me that I cannot be cured. Luckily, God made a way for me to meet my rheuma now. I would have wanted to go back to those doctors who have told me that I cannot be cured. Yes, they are right I am a LUPIE for life but I can be put to remission to enjoy life. Now, I am happily married with a growing beautiful baby. I just hope you can reach out to a lot of people and may you story inspired those patients to seek for knowledge of their disease.

    Can I ask your permission to link you on my blog. Thanks.

  4. Just getting caught up on your blogging — at 1:20 Saturday morning.. find it very interesting…. still shudder when I remember those days iin the summer of 2004 .. and beam with great pride when I ruminate on your courage and steadfastness in meeting the challenges….

    …and, oh yes, happy, happy first anniversary…


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Trisha Torrey
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